SE Code Together

This site is dedicated to helping those that want to become Software Engineers.
It will include resources to help you get started, and assist you the entire way through the process of becoming a Full Stack Web Developer .

Where to start?

Congratulations! The first steps of becoming a web developer is to prepare yourself for the adventure, get your affairs in order, and pack your bags.

Get your affairs in order

1. This is going to be a long adventure, make sure to set aside atleast 1-2 hours daily to travel forward.
2. Sharpen your sword: learn how to learn: Corsera: learning-how-to-learn
3. keep your stamina: make sure to keep your body healthy by drinking enough water, eating healthy, stretch, workout, take breaks and enjoy life to keep your stamina up!

Lets Set off

1. First things first you have to learn the basics: computers, the internet, and coding: HarvardX CS50
2. Keep your skills trained! your skills degrade over time and if low enough can dissapear for good, so train them each daily: Anki
3. Optional: Join a guild! My reccomendation: 100Devs!

Time to code

This is where you begin to make choices for yourself, there are multiple ways to learn and places to learn, it is time to pick your own path.
1. My personal choice as this is where I started my journey: Shay Howe
2. My second choice: Free Code Camp
3. My third choice: Odin Project
4. Do it all!: Do options 1, 2 and 3.

Time to Network

Your adventure is not done alone, you will NEED to find aquantances, allys, and friends to make it to the end. 1. Your going to need to search out for others, a good first place is to join a guild, My reccomendation: 100Devs!
2. Search for others in public places, I personally reccomend joining Twitter, LinkedIn, and Github.

End of tutorial

If you have completed all other tasks, and have made it up to this point Congratulations!!
You have finished the tutorial and you are ready to go off on your own! but here are some tips.
1. You will need to build a portfolio, and then either find some freelance work, or contribute to open source projects to build authority/reputation.
2. You should improve your skills, look for ways to provide value, improve your skills, and learn new skills constantly.

Extra Resources

1. Many of the top Web Dev resources all put into the same place: Bradtraversy: Design resources.
2. A huge list of Software Enginners looking to help others get into the field Notion: Here To Help!
3. Send me a message! I have plenty of other resources. A link to my Twitter: Dev_ElbowGrease

Get in touch

Interested in a coffee chat? Need help becoming a Software Engineer? Need me to build you a website? Contact me!